The Unit Guide Procedure has been changed for 2020. Here’s what you need to know:

The updated Unit Guide Procedure establishes the steps and responsibilities involved in the development, approval, and publication of a Unit Guide in accordance with Schedule 6 Unit Guide Requirements of the Assessment Policy.

The Unit Guide Procedure effective from Session 1 2020 (see 2nd tab of the procedure) was approved by Academic Senate on 22 October 2019 and will supersede the existing Procedure.

What are the main changes in the procedure?

Publishing unit guides from Session 1 2020 will involve a change from the previous process due to the implementation of the Macquarie Curriculum Management System (MQCMS). From Session 1 2020 all unit learning outcomes and assessment information will now come directly from the MQCMS and will be read-only inside the unit guide publishing tool in iTeach. These fields will no longer be editable in iTeach.

Details not captured in MQCMS (e.g. assessment due dates, staff details) will still have to be manually updated in iTeach.

Any changes to unit learning outcomes and assessment information will now need to be made in the MQCMS and will be approved in that system subject to faculty approvals in preparation for the delivery of the unit.

What will the 2020 Unit guides look like:

The information displayed in the 2020 unit guides will be similar to the existing with the following additions:

  • ‘ULO’ numbers now shown (e.g. ‘ULO1’, ‘ULO2’) next to the learning outcomes
  • Assessment task types now shown
  • Estimated time on task (for assessment tasks) also shown

Implications for staff:

  • The requirement to have unit guides approved within iTeach 2 weeks prior to the start date of the Unit remains the same. 
  • Staff need to be aware that if there is anything that needs to be changed in the CMS it will take time to be processed and so CANNOT be left until the last minute.
  • Changes require FSQC and Faculty Board approval – at this point for FoHS, we are not sure how that will be managed in our Faculty next year but this will be worked out during the disestablishment transition planning.

Getting ready for Session 1

  • Finalise your S1 2020 unit information in the MQCMS. Ensure the unit design section in MQCMS has been completed and submitted for approval.
  • Department Administrators should assign teaching staff to units as soon as possible and advise staff when this has been completed
  • Teaching staff create Unit Guides in iTeach and submit for approval
  • Once approved, Unit Guides should be published immediately
  • A link to the Unit Guide must be added to each iLearn unit
  • Refer to the iLearn Quick Guide for Staff , in particular the second last heading in the list.

Please note: that all amendments must be approved in MQCMS  3 weeks prior to commencement of session, and unit guides completed and published 2 weeks prior to the commencement of session.

Important dates:

  • Iteach opens from 16 December
  • Session 1 unit guides published 10 February

Posted by Kylie Coaldrake

Learning and Teaching Development Coordinator, Office of PVC (Education)

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